The Annual General Meeting for the Ottawa JR67s AAA has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 from 8:00 to 9:00 pm and will be held virtually.

We encourage all 2023-2024 Ottawa Junior 67S AAA Members (Parents, Legal Guardians, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers, Trainers and Directors) to attend.
Only one parent/guardian per player can register to vote.


To vote you must pre-register by June 2nd, 2024 at the following link:

Virtual Meeting Details:

By phone: (CA) +1 647-732-7630
PIN: 284281051


  1. Call to order and Attendance
  2. Approval of the 2023 AGM Minutes
  3. Approval of the 2024 AGM Agenda
  4. President’s Report
  5. Reports of the Board of Directors
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Approval of financial statements for 2023-24
  8. New business: amendment to bylaws (Web_Bylaws_June 2024 Proposed Changes.pdf)
  9. Nominees for Election of Board of Director positions and vote
  10. Look ahead to 2024-25
  11. President’s final remarks and adjournment

AGM Presentation

For a copy of the 2024 AGM Presentation click here

Positions up for Renewal and Nominees:

​The nomination process closed on Monday, May 20, 2024 @ 12:00 am (i.e. fifteen (15) days before the Annual General Meeting). Nominations cannot be accepted from the floor at the AGM.

Roberto Campagna
Ron Ethier

VP Administration
Grayson Lafoley
Mike Webb

Michelle Cesario

Director of Fundraising and Sponsorship
Nathan McRae

Director of Equipment
Mike Webb

No names put forward.

Bylaw Amendments:

We are proposing a number of bylaws changes that include electronic voting and virtual meeting standards, electronic payments, clarity on whom is a member; the nomination and election process for board positions;  the elimination of a lifetime member and changes to adapt to the league changes (i.e. creation of D14).  We have highlighted the new proposed changes in green and identified the wording to be removed in red.  To review the proposed changes visit this link: If you have any questions please reach out to Denis Staples, VP Administration via email